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USANA Weight-Loss Study: Jumpstart Your Health Journey

USANA Weight-Loss Study: Jumpstart Your Health Journey

Scientists at the University of Memphis published a new clinical study evaluating USANA’s Active Nutrition Jumpstart Program. This one-week nutrition program includes high quality meal replacement shakes as well as select supplements that can help facilitate weight loss. The program is designed to provide adequate nutritional support during a low-calorie feeding period. You can think of the Jumpstart program as a “reset’ for your diet and a way to start practicing healthier habits.

Jumpstart Your Healthy Weight for 2023

Jumpstart Your Healthy Weight for 2023

Are you powerless in the face of a brownie, cupcake, or [insert sweet treat here]? Are you fed up (literally) with your cravings for chips, French fries, or [insert your favorite indulgence here]? You’re not alone. If you’re tired of the ups and downs of weight management and want a clean break from unhealthy eating, there’s a place and plan just for you. Now’s the time to reset your cravings and begin your journey to a happier, healthier life with USANA 5-Day RESET.

5 Critical Weight Loss Mistakes

5 Critical Weight Loss Mistakes

Not Planning Ahead When hunger strikes and you're not prepared, that's when unhealthy decisions are made. Planning ahead is a vital part of helping you make healthy choices during the busy week.

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