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Health Tips
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Strong Body, Strong Minds: Mental Health Tips for Men
Like everyone else, men should prioritize self-care. But certain mindsets and societal pressures often hinder them—leading to higher risk of disease, injury, and death compared to women. Encourage the men in your life to take time for themselves and support their physical and mental strength with these helpful tips:
Fact or Fiction: Making Sense of Detox Myths
Detoxing is based on the idea that the human body is swimming in environmental toxins that you can, and should, remove . What’s not to like, right? Toxins are bad, so naturally you’d want them out of your body. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. As with many health topics, there’s a lot of misinformation about detoxification out there. And, in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, there’s a good chance you’ll encounter some of these detox myths. So keep reading to sort the detox facts from fiction!
4 Delicious Sugar Substitutes For Healthy Home Baking
Nothing says “I love you” like a box of home-baked cookies, frosted cupcakes, and delicious pies. But one glance at their ingredients and you’ll be feeling more sour than sweet. The processed sugar in your favorite treats may taste great, but it doesn’t do your body any favors. Too much of this good thing can deplete your energy levels and even negatively impact your mental health—so long, healthy start to the new year. All this, and it’s addictive, too.
Make Intermittent Fasting Fit Your Schedule
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular wellness trend known for its positive effects on health and longevity. When practiced correctly, it helps people lose weight, stabilize blood sugar, promote cellular autophagy, enhance mental clarity, and support a natural circadian rhythm. For most people, it’s a safe metabolic tool that is simple to adopt. So why aren’t more people incorporating IF into their daily strategy for health?
WATER FOR THE WIN: The Benefits of Hydration for Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Elevated heart rate, sore muscles, and gasping for air are surefire signs you’re killing your workout. But the real proof lies in building up a solid sweat.
10 Minutes to a Calmer You
Ten minutes. With six per hour, you have 96 of these precious segments in your 16 hours of awake time each day. But if you spend your days working, running errands, taking care of friends and family, and completing other tasks, chances are your time feels already spent—and yet you probably need 10 minutes of me-time more than ever. Taking time for yourself not only positively affects you, but those around you, too. Think of the welcome announcements on an airplane—the flight team tells you to place your oxygen mask on yourself before you help others. Self-care is your oxygen mask. And spending a few moments to calm your mind and center yourself can benefit your mental and physical health, which means you’re fitter—mentally and physically—to help others around you.
Gym Closed? Here's 10 Free Online Fitness Streams to Try
As the coronavirus has evolved over the past few weeks so has our communities. Unfortunately for many, social distancing means most gyms are closing their doors temporarily. The good news, there are still plenty of ways to get a great workout from the comfort of your own home. Here are 10 of our favorite free places to stream your favorite workout today!
Knowing Your Family Health History Shapes Your Future
Blame your parents for your hairline. A lack of dimples? Your parents’ fault. The way your ear lobes connect to your head (or don’t) are also the responsibility of your parents. And, of course, there’s more you can’t see in the mirror. Your family health history is embedded in you because that’s what your parents passed down. It encompasses the health issues of your blood relatives. The shared genes, and, in some cases, environment and habits, make health outcomes similar throughout a family.
Too Good to Be True? The Skinny on Alternative Sweeteners
Let’s face it, sugar is delicious—especially if you have a sweet tooth. But it’s clear a diet high in sugar isn’t great for your health or weight. Alternative sweeteners or sugar substitutes have emerged in recent decades as an option to cut back on table sugar while still enjoying the same sweet sensation. The truth, though, is a lot more complicated.
7 Tips to Trick Yourself into Working Out
Exercise can be miserable sometimes. For a lot of us, it can feel like misery all of the time. If you’re one who cringes at the thought of mundanely running on a treadmill or picking up a weight over and over again, I’ve got great news: there are a ton of ways you can trick yourself into working out. Read on for a list of biohacks which will have you primed to work up a sweat—in a way that works for you.
7 Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Skin
Spring is officially here! And for all of you ready for a skin refresh, here are some simple tips to get your skin to its vibrant best after a long, dry winter. Say goodbye to dull, tired looking skin and hello to beautiful, radiant skin.
Get All Your ZZZ’S with these Sleep Hacks
In today’s overly connected world, it’s easy to keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, sun-up to well past sundown. Being connected 24/7 has upsides: business and personal connections can happen anywhere, any time.