Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular wellness trend known for its positive effects on health and longevity. When practiced correctly, it helps people lose weight, stabilize blood sugar, promote cellular autophagy, enhance mental clarity, and support a natural circadian rhythm. For most people, it’s a safe metabolic tool that is simple to adopt. So why aren’t more people incorporating IF into their daily strategy for health?
We’re social beings. Sharing laughs, meals, and making memories is a natural, and very important, part of our life experience. And sometimes, our social nature can hinder our lifestyle changes.
Without the support and engagement of our social circle, it’s easy to skip a gym session, give in to a sweet tooth, or lose our resolve for better habits to reach our goals. Some people may choose to not make a change because it may affect their social lives—or they may abandon a healthy, new routine because it isn’t sustainable along with time for friends and family. Regular socializing should be part of your life, but it should also be compatible with a style of living that makes you feel great. And, thankfully, it’s possible to have both.
An in-depth look at IF shows key benefits for improved health. But if you’re hesitant to experiment with compressing your daily eating window because you’re afraid it will limit your social interactions, there’s good news—adopting an IF protocol can be flexible. It’s possible to achieve your health goals and still meet your non-fasting friends for brunch or a late dinner out.
Most people are familiar with the trendy concept, but Intermittent fasting is a broader term that can apply to many fasting strategies.
Common Types of Fasting:
Time-restricted feeding—eating is limited to specific hours of the day without changing caloric intake. The most common version is the 16:8—fasting for 16 hours and consuming your meals and snacks during an eight-hour window.
Alternate-day fasting—involves fasting every other day, eating as you normally would on non-fasting days (a modified version of this method allows you to eat a small number of calories on your fasting day).
Prolonged fasting—longer fasting periods that typically exceed 48 hours yield greater metabolic advantages, like a state of ketosis and cellular cleanup. A prolonged fast should not be performed regularly—a popular adoption of this method is to extend your fast monthly or quarterly.
An ideal combination of consistent feeding and fasting windows can allow you to reap the extraordinary benefits of IF. If shortening your feeding window seems right for you, share these sensible facts about IF with your family and friends. It may make your plunge into fasting (and better health) a little more digestible. Plus, your social circle may be more mindful the next time they plan that birthday lunch out—or even want to get in on your new routine.
It’s not a diet, it’s a new eating pattern. Intermittent fasting, time-restricted feeding, alternate-day fasting, or even shifting to one meal a day (OMAD), isn’t about changing what you eat. It’s about adopting a consistent system to improve the way your body functions.
IF is not magic, but it can create a powerful metabolic switch. By compressing your feeding window, you help your body mobilize excess fat stores through fatty acid oxidation and ketone production while preserving lean muscle mass.
Sometimes, it’s good to give it a rest. When your body isn’t digesting food, it can expend more energy for cellular repair and restoration.
Take the focus off of food by embracing simplicity. Most people with shorter feeding windows have a simple strategy for daily meals. It could be a shift to two larger meals, the classic method of three-a-day, or even one large meal. This shift can help relieve the mental load of excess meal planning and preparation.
Alter your mindset to improve your relationship with food. Fasting gives you the opportunity to address unhealthy habits—like stress-eating and unconscious snacking.
Take a smoother ride, and enjoy a new level of sustained energy. Regular snacking can put you on a glycemic rollercoaster, initiating a glucose response each time you reach for refreshment. A more even energy balance will give you hours of sustained focus and eliminate your post-lunch slump.
Find a better rhythm. Regular, consistent fasting helps to train your body’s innate 24-hour patterns—or circadian clock—to reinforce your natural metabolic balance.
If you choose to fast as part of your healthy lifestyle, take time to find the best fasting option to fit your lifestyle. It may be more realistic, if you’re not focused on specific composition or fitness goals, to follow a flexible plan that can easily accommodate non-fasting friends’ agendas, while sticking to a relatively consistent schedule of time-restricted eating.
While fasting is generally acceptable for most adults, some people shouldn’t fast for prolonged periods of time. Check with your doctor before beginning a fasting plan.
And always take a realistic approach. Will this lifestyle work for you long term? Any lifestyle change must be sustainable to see the benefits. Is IF compatible with your social and family life? IF is trending for a reason—it has some exciting prospects for improving your health, but there are other programs and interventions that can also help you shift the needle toward greater vitality.
Many of us don’t experiment with our health habits. It’s easier to settle for the same, convenient way of living.
Embracing a lifestyle change isn’t always easy. IF may or may not be for you, but if you adopt an experimentation mindset, you may find a new approach that’s ideal to meet your healthy lifestyle goals. A good fit should support your dynamic, daily schedule while promoting greater physical and mental health. And if it’s truly right for you, you’ll continue to do it.
It’s often a healthy, new idea—or a fresh approach—that makes the biggest difference in your life. What healthy lifestyle changes have you been hesitant to try?